Quit Smoking With Electronic Cigarette

Quit Smoking with Electronic Cigarette

Smoking is one of the hardest habits to break!  So, has technology finally provided relief?  Can you really Quit Smoking With Electronic Cigarette?

Will this new evil technology really kill the tobacco industry? More importantly will Marlboro Reds be around for future generations to enjoy? It sounds backwards, but some still say Electronic Cigarettes should be banned. But a federal court has stymied FDA efforts to keep them off the U.S. market.

Meanwhile, more and more Americans are buying Electronic CigaretteS. And many of them Quit Smoking with Electronic Cigarettes  according to a new survey by Michael B. Siegel, MD, MPH, of Boston University School of Public Health.

“If you look at the evidence, these are a lot safer than regular cigarettes — and they are effective for some people in helping them quit smoking cigarettes,” Siegel tells WebMD. Siegel and colleagues emailed surveys to 5,000 first-time buyers Electronic Cigarettes. Replies came back from 222 of them (4.5%), of whom 216 said they were smokers.

The results were surprising. Six months after their purchase, 31% of these smokers said they’d quit cigarettes and two-thirds of them said they’d cut back on the number of cigarettes they smoked. A third of those who’d quit smoking also quit using e-cigarettes.  It’s true that puffing electronic cigarettes help smokers quit smoking? Those are pretty impressive numbers, as only about 18% of smokers who quit actually do so for at least six months.

It is said that the e-cigarette simulates smoking so well that even lifelong smokers cannot tell the difference. To make this even crazier, they claim that they will not even experience cravings or a single hint of withdrawal. The tar, carbon dioxide, and other chemicals are gone, as is the pungent, strange smell. However, smokers supposedly get the same satisfaction.  These are only a few of the many beautiful things about the e-cigarette. Advocates believe e-cigarettes provide a stepping-stone to quitting, but opponents say their health impact is unknown. Now New York is considering a state-wide ban on the Electronic Cigarette. Even though it is clear some have Quit Smoking with Electronic Cigarettes.

Another amazing thing about these magical little luxuries is that in theory you can smoke them anywhere without second-hand smoke. This includes airplanes, restaurants, and even bars! At a local night clubs, are trying these nicotine-free wonders and, many eventually wind up Quitting Smoking With Electronic Cigarette.

Scientists at the University of California, Berkeley, who studied the device, said the device had great potential in reducing the harm of smoking. Writing in the Journal of Public Health Policy, they said: ‘We conclude that electronic cigarettes show tremendous promise in the fight against tobacco-related morbidity and mortality.’ Meanwhile New York lawmakers are considering introducing the first state ban on the device. It has prompted indignation from former smokers who say they have been helped by the device.

Elaine Keller, vice president of the Consumer Advocates for Smoke-Free Alternatives Association, said: ‘I would still be smoking if not for this product.’

However, as a medical device, e-cigarettes could draw opposition from that powerful lobby as a fresh and less expensive competitor.

If you would like to Quit Smoking with Electronic Cigarette, we have set up a program to help. We are working with the number one selling brand E Cig and have set up a Risk free trial offer for you to try.


About margertcorn

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